
TuxedoMeowStudios Blogger is now tuxedomeow. Blogger

 We're glad to announce that TuxedoMeowStudios Blogger is now tuxedomeow. Blogger. The T in the new logo is supposed to be lowercase with a period at the end. This new logo is supposed to be for my PMC birthday that is happening in two weeks. This is also for a "simpler" naming then the old name. This name change is also going to be the future of tuxedomeow. No more TuxedoMeowStudios, the future is tuxedomeow.  Old tuxedomeow. logo, formerly known as TuxedoMeowStudios New tuxedomeow. logo, now known as tuxedomeow.

Hello, Its TuxedoMeowStudios again!

So my last Skindex page decided to stop working on me, but don't worry, I have a second email in hand, so now TuxedoMeowStudios Skindex page is back!   Heres the link if you want to go to my Skindex and follow me!  (TMS is short for TuxedoMeowStudios.)

I've Leveled Up to Level 8 on the XP Counter!

 I've just leveled up to Level 8 on the XP Counter! Just 2 levels away from making my own PMC Group, witch I have to wait until I have Level 10 on the XP Counter on my PMC, you can follow my PMC right here if you want to!

We've just changed the TMS logo! Before VS After

 We've just changed the TMS logo, from the tacky logo, to a bit more "Vibrant" Logo to fit in with the Celebration of almost 30 followers on my PMC and 60 followers on my Skindex! The new TMS logo has been applied to these following TMS socials: TMS Skindex, TMS PMC, TMS Scratch, TMS Sound Cloud, TMS LinkTree, and the TMS Blog! (TMS is short for TuxedoMeowStudios.)  Before                                                                           After                                                                           

Welcome to the TMS Blog!

This blog page will be about TMS whats new, some news about my PMC or Skindex. Or even just announcements for a new skin series or just a heads up about my new skin! (TMS is short for TuxedoMeowStudios.)